2020 Competition Results
Voting criteria:
– 50% degree of the quality of grace, taste and harmony in the room.
– 50% investment of time and energy in creation.
Category A, under 13 years old
First prize: Siebe Monkerhey – Toucan
Second Prize: Clarisse Parage Jojon – Wolf
Third Prize: Siebe Monkerhey – Orde of Chaos
Audience award: Silke Van de Wiele – Plantenwortels
Category B, from 13 to 18 years old
Joint first prize: Bertha Goovaerts – Looking to the future
Joint first prize: Mara Neagoe MaraDrav – Frosted flowers
Joint first prize: Kaitlyn Bruyninckx – Lang haar
Category C, from 19 to 89 years old
First prize: Dirk Van Dingene – There is a crack in everything
Second prize: Hedwige Goethals – Landscape
Joint third prize: Rosalie Helsmoortel – Dreamscape
Joint third prize: Silke Vander Massen – MS80