Competition 2024 Gallery

Results 2024 Competition

Voting criteria:
Harmony and artistic sensitivity
Originality of message
Quality and complexity of execution


First prize: Marjanne Geurtsen, Netherlands,
Maria Magdalena Reading, 28,65 x 36,12, Panel oil paint

Maria Magdalena

Second prize: Marie-Christine Amato, France,
Le soleil a rendez-vous avec la lune, 60 x 80, Acrylic canvas and collage

Le soleil a rendez-vous avec la lune

Third prize: Carmen Fuentes, Belgium,
Frida, 29 x 37, Paper and coloured pencils



First prize: Elise Migayrou, France, age 13,
Sa Place, 64 x 51, Paper, Poska gouache

Sa place

Second prize: Emilie Barthe, France, age 18,
Lila, 40 x 40, Acrylic canvas


Third prize: Kamilly Lopes, Brazil, age 17,
O Paraiso Perfeito, 22 x 34, Digital iPad Finger

O paraiso perfeito ?


First prize: Aurélie Caron, Belgium, age 12
On tourne en rond, A4, Paper and markers

On tourne en rond

Second prize: Evan Vienne, La Réunion, France,
La Réunion, 30 x 30, Canvas and paint

La Réunion

Third prize: Evan Vienne, La Réunion, France, age 12,
Le requin gris, White clay and paint

Le requin gris


First prize: Marjanne Geurtsen, Netherlands,
Plum Blossom Spring, Painting in the Sumi-e tradition

Plum Blossom, Spring

Second prize: Karen Vangronsveld, Belgium,
De mevrouw met blauw haar en haar kat

De mevrouw met het blauwe haar en haar kat

Third prize: Frank Van den Brande, Belgium,
The little Helper

The little helper

PUBLIC PRIZE (at all 3 exhibitions: Verviers, Ghent and Brussels)

First prize: Anaïs Dugal, France,
Beaux yeux

Beaux yeux

Second prize: Françoise Detry, Belgium,
Promenade (cf. Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition”)

Promenade (cf "Les tableaux d'une exposition")

Third prize: Čekal Žitná, Czech Republic,
Krušné hory

Krušné hory


First prize: Mari-Liis Täht, Estonia,
Parim Söber/The best Friend, 6 x 12, Ceramic pottery

Parim Sôber / The best Friend

Second prize: Selma Zengin, Belgium,
Nyrvasa, Plaster sculpture

Nyrvasa (4)

Third prize: Christel Van Bossche, Belgium,
Verborgen Kracht, 30 x 2, 7 x 15, Clay

Verborgen kracht (2)

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